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Greening Campaign

Do your bit to tackle climate change by reducing carbon emissions in Milford Parish and help make our community a Greener place to live.

The Parish Council now asks  you to vote for your top 3 green challenges from the list below.  The challenges with the most votes will be published on a special Greening Challenge Card, to be delivered to every household in the parish in September.  Each household will then be asked to choose 5 challenges to commit to over the period of the campaign.  More details will follow in September.

The Campaign is designed to involve the whole parish and its objective is to seek to persuade as many people as possible to make small changes in their behaviour at home and so reduce the CO2 emissions of the village.   This is therefore  a significant opportunity for our Community to take action against Climate Change.

Vote for your top 3 green challenges from this list:

money saving/year CO2 kg saving/year
1 Turn off lights when leaving room (non-LED) £14 25
2 Replace all bulbs with LEDs £35 65
3 Turn off all standbys £30 60
4 Wash laundry at 30° C £8 15
5 Line dry clothes in the summer £35 65
6 Top up loft insulation to a depth of 270mm £12 50
7 Boil only the amount of water needed £6 12
8 Turn the thermostat down by 1° C £80 325
9 Install cavity wall insulation £150 620
10 Upgrade your TV from A+ to A+++ £18 35
11 Insulate the hot water tank to

a depth of 75mm

£80 430
12 Install a low flow showerhead (4 people) £70 345
13 Wash up using a bowl £25 130
14 Reduce each normal shower time by 1minute (4 people) £7 35
15 Draught proof around doors and windows £20 90
16 Halve your food waste by making a meal plan and using up leftovers £252 312

How to vote: fill out our online voting form here:

Voting has now been extended to 24th July 2021!


In 2020 the Parish Council voted to declare a Climate Emergency. Hampshire County Council has done the same. The Greening Campaign was set up  by Terena Plowright in response to the threat of global warming.  It is an innovative idea to help motivate us to reduce our energy consumption and therefore lower our personal and community carbon footprint.   This campaign has been taken up by a number of towns and villages in South East England.  Our County Council is also promoting the Greening Campaign.  Milford on Sea will be the first village in NFDC to add its voice to the initiative.

On Feb 2nd this year Milford on Sea Parish Council adopted Phase 1 of the Greening Campaign.  This Campaign is designed to involve the whole of the village and its objective is to seek to persuade as many people as possible to make small changes in their behaviour at home and so reduce the CO2 emissions of the village.   This is therefore a significant opportunity for our Community to take action against Climate Change.

Following a campaign to raise awareness in the village about the Greening Campaign, residents will  be invited to vote on their preferred  challenges out of  suggested  measures  to reduce the emission of CO2 for the village.

Subsequently each household will receive a card  setting out the result of the vote and listing the preferred challenges . There will be a public meeting to launch the campaign.

Each household which adopts the challenges will be asked to place the card in their window in a place where they can easily be seen and following a period of time these cards will be collected to calculate the effect of the challenges accepted on the carbon emissions for the community as a whole.

Please click here for Local Recycling Information.

If you would like to become involved please contact the Parish Office.