Groyne Repairs
The council’s on-going programme of timber groyne repairs is due to commence shortly (W/C 25/10/21) at Milford-on-Sea.
The maintenance work is being carried out by J T Mackley & Co Ltd and will be completed in approximately 8-weeks (subject to suitable tides and weather conditions).
It is likely that to coincide with suitable tides with some work being undertaken over several weekends. As part of the repairs, some piling work will be required (where large square posts are driven into the beach to support the planks), and this could create additional noise for a time. As far as possible, piling work will be undertaken during daylight hours.
The work will be carried out in a similar manner to previous groyne refurbishment works, with timber being re-used and recycled as much as possible. As before, the timbers will be transported along Westover Road from the depot at the end of Hurst Road to Hurst Road West car park. As the contractor, J T Mackley, is presently working for English Heritage at Hurst Castle, their existing compound will continue to be used (for these works) located at Hurst Depot Car Park (next to The Lighthouse Restaurant). However, a small works compound will also be set up in Hurst Road West car park (beside the toilet block) for the duration of the works. Materials will be brought into the compound and unloaded as required, with lorry movements kept to a minimum, particularly after dark. Mechanical plant will be located on the beach in front of the beach huts and promenade to repair each groyne that requires attention. Not all groynes will have works undertaken on them and the works have been programmed on a priority-based approach. See below plan for the area of works and the repair priority list.
Public safety will be managed by Banksmen located around the site (as necessary) and in the car park during vehicle movements. As before, the coastal path will be subject to a signed diversion route around the compound to maintain a continuous route across a suitable surface.