Dear Resident,
I am writing to inform you that the NFDC’s on-going coastal maintenance programme will be continuing this autumn at Milford-on-Sea, with the installation of a rock revetment in front of the seawall at the eastern end of the beach huts, along with groyne repairs and a beach recharge to the west.
Work will be undertaken in two phases over an eight-week period (approximately 4-weeks per phase),
subject to suitable weather and tides. The works are being carried out by Earlcoate Construction & Plant Hire Ltd.
Phase1: With reference to the plan (shown overleaf), work will commence w/c August 26th (after the bank
holiday weekend) with Site Compound 1 being set up south of Hurst Road, adjacent to the promenade (just west of the playpark).
Rock deliveries are expected to begin w/c 2nd September. In total 1,100t of rock will be delivered to the
compound. Rock will then be transferred between the compound and the beach. To facilitate this operation, the promenade will need to be closed for short periods of time, of around 15 mins to enable the safe movement of plant between the compound and the beach. It is anticipated that the need for closures will be minimal and that users of the promenade will bear with us during this time. Access around the compound using Hurst Road will also be available during this time. Otherwise, it is planned that the promenade will remain open during the works. Public safety will be managed by Traffic Marshalls located at the public interface (crossing point) and at the entrance to the site to safely guide lorries arriving and departing between Hurst Road and the site.
Once transferred, rock will be placed on the beach to form a simple structure in front of the seawall along the two eastern bays in front of the beach huts. This will provide additional protection from wave attack along the toe of the seawall, where beach levels are low. These works will also include some rock repairs to several of the timber groynes in the vicinity.
Please note, as these works require favourable tides and weather conditions; it may be necessary to
undertake work early or late in the day, or at weekends, during this period.
Phase2: Once the rock works are complete, Site Compound 1 will be removed, and Site Compound 2 will be set up in Hurst Road West Car Park. Work will then start on the timber maintenance and beach recharge. The beach recharge will consist of 2,500t of shingle material being deposited in 3 groyne bays at the western end of the promenade (opposite the toilet block). These groyne bays have been subject to significant erosion recently, resulting in the access steps being closed. The additional material will help to restore levels, so that the beach better dissipates wave energy and protects the seawall, as well as improving access.
This work will be undertaken during daylight hours, with recharge material being delivered to the site using lorries and tipped down a temporary delivery chute / access ramp. Using a dump truck, material will then be mechanically moved into adjoining groyne bays (to the east).
In addition to the beach recharge, work will be undertaken on the timber groyne located adjacent to the beach access steps. The groyne will be strengthened with additional timber piles. Groynes are an important element of the beach at Milford-on-Sea as they control longshore drift and help maintain the beach.
To accommodate the site compound, the eastern side of Hurst Road West Amenity Car Park will be closed
for the duration of Phase-2. Lorries will enter the car park, where they will turn and (under supervision),
reverse into the compound and up to the delivery chute.
Public safety will be managed by Traffic Marshalls located at key positions around the site and in the car park during vehicle movements, especially around the entrance to the compound. The access steps and
promenade will be closed to accommodate the delivery chute and facilitate material being delivered, so a
diversion will be set up around the car park (with signage).
For additional details on these works (including technical and historical information), please see the dedicated pages at
Where possible, notifications, such as for evening / weekend working, will be given out via NFDC’s social media pages (Facebook & Twitter).
Works will be attended by Jonathan Griffiths, Dave Robson or myself, Peter Ferguson. NFDC apologises for the inconvenience that these works may cause. For any queries please email: [email protected]